Hi everyone and I hope y'all are having a fantastic start to your week
I will be going on vacation for the entirety of July
which means that the final release for RtE would take place before July or After July
I definitely want to take my time for the releases as I've been trying to get them to be released every month
So I am working on the tracks between Rampage and Elysium at the same time
It might not be the best idea in the world but I want to tie everything together in a cohesive narrative
As for the July situation, I'm contemplating on whether to bring my whole setup to my vacation spot to finish the final track at the end of july
or to make the penultimate and final release to take place at June and have july be the global streaming month
Ill get to that road whenever I reach it
(p.s I am soooo close to reaching 200 followers on SoundCloud, so if y'all haven't followed me there yet, please do :D